
Buyers The Benefits of Using a Mortgage Broker If you’re purchasing your home with a mortgage, you have quite a few options. For instance, you can work with your personal bank; you can research and find another lender on your own; or, you can partner with a mortgage broker who will help you find the best lender and program for your needs for you. A […]
Buyers Selling Your Home in 2024? The real estate market is constantly changing; trying to sell your home in 2024 could be completely different from the selling experience in 2023. So, the question is, if you’re planning on selling your home this year, what do you need to know about the market? A recent article from realtor.com outlined key things homeowners need to know about selling their […]
Buyers Want to Sell Your Home in 2024? Leave These Bad Habits Behind With a new year comes a new real estate market, and if you want to sell your home in 2024, there are definitely some outdated habits you’ll need to leave behind. So what, exactly, are those habits, and, more importantly, what should you do instead? A recent article from realtor.com outlined habits you’ll want to shake if you plan to sell […]
Buyers Are Bidding Wars the New Normal for Home Buyers? If you’ve been planning on buying a home, there’s a good chance you were hoping that the good news about higher interest rates would be that there would at least be fewer bidding wars. But despite rates and the economy edging some buyers out of the market — and others just deciding to take a break […]
Buyers Buying a New Construction Home? Buying a new construction home is a great option for many buyers, particularly if they’re looking to have some control over the home’s final layout, finishes, and features. But there are a lot of mistakes that can be made, both when buying a new construction home and during the building process — mistakes that can cost you a lot […]
Buyers Things Your Mortgage Broker Wants You To Know The right mortgage broker can be a huge asset in your journey to homeownership. Mortgage brokers walk you through the often confusing process of financing your home purchase, and can help you get the best deal on your mortgage. But not every buyer knows the best way to work with their broker, and there are definitely things […]
Buyers Thinking about selling your home this Winter? – Showing traffic is up as buyers start to come of the sidelines as the mortgage rates drop. – Homes priced correctly are seeing multiple offers and are selling quick. – Housing Inventory although still low, is climbing and forecasted to keep doing so. We still need more homes for sale for the increasing number […]
Buyers Things Homebuyers Do to Get a Better Deal That May Cause a Seller to Reject Their Offer Of course you want to try and negotiate the best price and terms when you’re buying a house. But in order to actually successfully buy a house, you need a seller to agree to your price and terms. Unfortunately, some buyers make mistakes that don’t go over well with sellers, and they end up with a worse deal than they could’ve […]
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Buyers Fed Reserve Predicted to Cut Rates 6 Times in 2024, but buyers May Not Want (Or Need) to Wait If you’ve been thinking about buying a home, you’re probably wondering if (and when!) mortgage rates will come down. So the recent news that ING Economics predicts that The Federal Reserve will cut rates 6 times starting in the second quarter of 2024 is probably music to your ears! But it also might be making you think that you still have a […]
Buyers Is “House Hacking” Your Ticket to Buying a Home Renting or buying a house is always one of life’s biggest expenses, but lately it’s been even more difficult than usual for many people to afford, which has led to a lot of young adults (and even some older ones) to move back in with their parents. In the past, once you graduated from high school or […]
Buyers Some Things Sellers Leave Behind That Annoy Buyers You’re supposed to leave your house in “broom clean” condition for the buyer when you sell your house, which leaves a lot of room for interpretation. It often boils down to sellers feeling like they left the place looking immaculate, and buyers wondering if the seller even owned a broom. The point is, it’s kind of […]
Buyers Qualify as a 1st-Time Homebuyer for a Mortgage, Even If You Owned a Home in the Past! Many first-time buyers could use some help qualifying for their first mortgage, which is why the government and financial institutions have developed specific first-time homebuyer programs to help ease the burden and make the dream of owning a home a reality. By the sounds of it, a first-time homebuyer loan probably sounds like it’s only available to someone who’s never bought a home […]
Buyers Selling Your Home? Make Sure to Avoid These Common Buyer Turnoffs When you sell your home, you want it to appeal to as many buyers as possible. But there are certain things that can instantly make buyers say “no thanks” to your home, even if the issues are easily fixable and the home could actually be a good fit for them. So what, exactly, are those turn-offs, […]
Buyers Moving? Avoid These Common Mistakes Moving can feel overwhelming, especially when you’re moving to a new city or state. There’s a lot to do, and if you don’t know how to navigate the process, you might make a few mistakes that can make the process more stressful and expensive than necessary. So what, exactly, are some mistakes homeowners make when […]
Buyers Thinking About Selling Your House? There Is Buyers Out There! It’s hard to escape the talk about rising interest rates and how they’re supposedly scaring away potential homebuyers. So if you’ve been thinking about selling, there’s a good chance it might be causing you to put those plans on hold and wait for buyers to re-enter the market. But before you put your home sale plans […]
Buyers Buying a Home? Here’s What Home Inspectors Want You to Know A home inspection is an important part of the home buying process, which is why there are certain things that home inspectors wish they could tell buyers before the inspection to make the process easier, smoother, and less stressful for everyone involved. So what, exactly, are those things? A recent article from realtor.com outlined the top things home inspectors wish buyers […]
Buyers 10 Things Most Home Sellers Overlook When it Comes to Keeping Their Home “Show Ready” According to a recent study, the average person’s home is only completely clean 11 days per year! It also revealed that the definition of “completely” is a bit generous. Many of the people surveyed admitted that they tend to focus their attention on a few obvious things, like their rugs and floors, but ignore the finer details […]
Buyers Common Questions About Homeowner Associations Homeowners associations — more commonly known as HOAs — are neighborhood organizations that are responsible for the care and upkeep of the area, and require residents of the community to pay fees (either monthly, quarterly, or annually) to cover the costs of that care and upkeep. Not all neighborhoods have HOAs, but they’re pretty common, […]
Buyers Selling Your Home? Don’t Tell These Lies In some situations, telling white lies or omitting the truth can be relatively harmless. But selling a home is definitely not one of those situations. Lying to potential buyers during the home sale process can put your deal in jeopardy, even if the lie seems insignificant. So, which lies do you want to avoid telling? Well, besides any of […]
Buyers Have an Upcoming Home Appraisal? A home appraisal is a key part of many home sales, but many sellers make the process harder than it needs to be because they don’t know how to navigate the process, and their lack of knowledge can be frustrating to home appraisers. So, if it was up to appraisers, what advice would they give sellers […]